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Can Amazon Change the Way We Do Business?
At a recent meeting of The Presidents Forum, we talked about  the industry power that Amazon wields. Amazon can change the strategy of many players in the retail sector even those who are not direct competitors. They have also changed the buying habits and the way consumers research and purchase products. This wide-ranging power was demonstrated recently after their purchase of Whole Foods. Last week, Target announced major changes in strategy, with a news article stating “Target slashes prices on thousands of items, shares falter. The retailer, which said it would continue to offer discounts on some products in addition to the price-cuts, added that it had also eliminated more than two-thirds of its price and offer call-outs.” All in response to Amazon.
This made for interesting discussions at the table on who holds the bargaining power for our companies; customers, suppliers or a big player like Amazon.
What lessons are there for all businesses? Most important is the need to maintain competitiveness and that means innovate, constantly changing the way we do business, the products and services we offer and improvements in customer service.
Is Tax Reform Coming in 2017?
At yesterday’s meeting of The Presidents Forum, Anthony L’Altrelli, Partner at Withum talked about tax reform. The last tax reform was 31 years ago in 1986. The one before that was in 1954, 32 years before the 1986 Act. So it seems the time is right for tax reform. The President issued a one page “Goals For Tax Reform” based on his campaign promises of tax relief for American Families and Businesses that includes a territorial tax system. Three members of congress also submitted their own separate tax reform proposals: Ryan, Hatch and Camp.
Three significant items for individuals under Trump’s plan are:
- A reduction from 7 to 3 tax brackets of 10%, 25% and 35%
- An elimination of the state and local taxes and property tax deduction
- A doubling of the standard deduction but elimination of the personal exemptions
Cyber Security Matters

Retail’s Sinking Ship

Two anxiously awaited newsletters!

Are Smart House Technologies Here Yet?

Improving Outcomes

Are Trade Deals Good for America?
At Withum’s Fourth Annual Global Summit, we heard one panel, comprised of representatives of international accounting firms associates with Withum, discuss Congress and international business policies. This discussion was interesting because of the highly-charged focus on trade agreements at Monday’s Presidential Debate.
An overall feeling was that trade agreements have had more modest effects on the US economy than the rhetoric suggests. These agreements promote and govern not only traditional goods and services but technology-intensive services where the US has a strong competitive advantage. The agreements provide a rules-based-system that protects intellectual property such as patents by providing dispute settlement procedures when disagreements occur. The US has been a big beneficiary of these procedures.
While high-tech and agriculture has benefited from recent trade deals, there have been losers and this is what we heard about in the debate. Manufacturing that relies on unskilled labor has moved to lower wage countries. Perhaps the US has not done all it could to help these disadvantaged workers at home who feel no comfort that jobs are created elsewhere in the US.
As this notable panel summarized, trade deals are only a small part of globalization with its rapid movement of goods and service throughout the world. Much of the rapid change in the world economy has come from technological innovation not trade deals. The panelists believed our two presidential candidates were correct that some aspects of trade deals and government policies need to be constantly monitored. An example frequently mentioned is China’s currency manipulation which increases their trade surpluses. The US needs to take action on these type of abuses.
The panels put together by Withum from their international partners at HLB International provided a view from outside the US. Their perspective was refreshing and much more positive on the US economy than we sometimes hear. Withum puts considerable effort into these Summits and it shows.
New Cybersecurity Regulations

9/27/16 At a recent meeting of The Presidents Forum, the members had a discussion on the new cyber-security regulations in New York State. These proposed regulations require regulated financial institutions to; · establish a cybersecurity program; · adopt a written cybersecurity policy; · designate a Chief Information Security Officer responsible for implementing, overseeing and enforcing its new program and policy; · have policies and procedures designed to ensure the security of information systems and nonpublic information accessible to, or held by, third-parties; · conform to a variety of other requirements to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information systems. · While these regulations are aimed at financial service companies, ensuring the protection and privacy of confidential information is every company’s responsibility. The members at The Presidents Forum spoke about the need to move past the talking stage and begin to implement some of these programs and policies themselves. Members agreed that while the investment in new resources might be considerable, protecting against cyber-attacks is sensible spending.
Three Months to Prepare for the New DOL Overtime Rules

Amazon’s “Vendor Central” or “Seller Central”

At yesterday’s meeting of The Presidents Forum, Angela Liu, President, Crispy Green Inc told us she does a sizable amount of her business through Amazon. Liu related that Amazon no longer wants to compete in pricing. She told us this new pricing strategy will surely open doors for other online retailers to go after the bargain hunters. But for those customers who just want to get their purchases fast and no hassles, Amazon still has a huge advantage because of its distribution network and infrastructure. Liu believes that Amazon is shifting more towards the Alibaba model, which will basically be a giant online flea market under the Amazon roof with Amazon taking a cut of every transaction. Amazon is moving from a “Vendor Central” model to a “Seller Central” model, so it won’t have to own inventories of the products it sells. Amazon will provide financial, logistic and other business services under its “Prime”, which is a big draw to a lot of consumers. The Prime membership will then become a main source of profit much like membership fees are to Costco.
Frequently, when large companies change their business model, it forces smaller companies who do business with them to also change their model. The overall message from Angela Liu; be prepared for changes. Big Data and Analytics
At the recent Annual Convention of the NJCPA, we heard a speaker – Bryan Smith from CPA Crossings, LLC – talk about data analytics. Most believe that analytic activities will have a positive impact on business activities, processes and profits but there seem to be mixed results with analytic activities actually achieving stated goals and adding value.
The companies that are most successful using data analytics have CEO involvement in the activities and initiatives. This includes providing the investment to support analytics through organizational infrastructure and appropriate talent. As an example, The President of WAWA, Chris Gheysens, frequently talks about their ,business success coming from their use of analytics in the hiring process, product selection and locations of stores. According to Gheysens “In business you win or lose in this hyper-competitive market based on the speed and correctness of your decisions, ideas, and investments,” he said. “You’ve got to do things to make your business grow. Analytics is the backbone to all of that”.
Bryan Smith discussed some analytic tools like Oracle, Cognos, Hadoop, IDEA, ACL and EXCEL BI. Several of these tools require heavy technical support or external partnerships due to the environment they are pulling data from, while others can be used in smaller enterprises. Bryan’s advice; plan and organize for success, that is align resources with stated goals to create value.
5/31/16 The Future of Malls …and other things.
At a recent meeting of The Presidents Forum, Tony L’Altrelli, a Partner at Withum, told us about a futurist that spoke to the Withum Partners. This social scientist talked about trends and possibilities for the future as part of a broader discussion about long-range planning, risk management, and market opportunities.
L’Altrelli mentioned that one of the major changes affecting retail merchandising in the foreseeable future is that many malls will close and many retail jobs will be lost. Malls already face high vacancies. Just as the rise of malls precipitated the decline of the downtown retail shopping district, so changing lifestyles and technology will bring about a decline in this 60-year-old way of shopping. This is, of course, a reflection of the broader changes affecting America.
It has been said that one key to America’s ongoing success has been our ability to adapt and change. When faced with adversity and opportunity, as a nation we often experiment, adapt, and eventually embrace change. Our federal system allows us to experiment, state by state. From our humble beginnings as a nation, through world wars, recessions, and all manner of adversity, we have often been global leaders in recognizing the inherent opportunities that positive change can bring. Sometimes we as a nation, are dragged by events, kicking and screaming, but we eventually get there. For example, Americans haven’t always been hospitable to waves of immigrants, even though immigration has proven to be a long term source of strength.
Economists sometimes use the term “creative destruction” to describe the winnowing process which replaces old business models with better more creative alternatives. And this process is often painful; there are winners and losers.
It is apparent that America is undergoing great change; there is a lot of creative destruction happening. At least we all hope it’s creative. Technology and globalization have torched the flame of tumultuous change inside our borders and beyond. From the way we purchase goods and services, to how we communicate and travel, and including the demographic changes reshaping our nation, it appears we are living that old Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times “.
We all know that change can be uncomfortable. We have only to look underneath the current political process in both parties to realize many Americans are anxious, even angry. But we also know that change is inevitable. In many ways the train has left the station; are we going to be on that train?
The Futurist who spoke to Withum had an overall message that change can be a good thing for ourselves, for our families, for our businesses, and for our communities. But only if we recognize it and face it head on. Have we evaluated the personal and professional risks and opportunities we may be facing in this environment? Do we have a plan?
4/29/16 Growth Strategies
At a recent meeting of The Presidents Forum, Joan Knorr, President of MK Services, talked about growth strategies. Knorr outlined strategies designed for existing and new markets and existing and new products/services. A principal element is building organizational capabilities, that is, do we have the right people in place to achieve desired growth. A second measure is the overall assessment; do we have the right product at the right price at the right time.
Knorr also cautioned us to look at threats while examining growth opportunities. These threats could be the bargaining power of suppliers or customers, the threats of new entrants or the development of substitute products. Joan Knorr’s presentation was short and snappy and to the point and left us with much to think about in growing our business.
4/11/16 Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Capabilities
At a meeting on Friday for accounting educators, hosted by the (NJCPA) New Jersey CPA’s, we heard of the employer talent shortage and the skills demanded by today’s employers. Employers are affirming a growing importance in three fundamental skills needed today: problem solving, communication skills and collaboration.
The big question is where or how do employees gain these needed skills. Are these skills that can be taught and developed at colleges? Or do employers need training programs for all new hires to teach these particular skills? The answer is that everyone with a vested interest in increasing productivity in the US needs to be involved.
Another question from the group was how employers assess those needed skills in an interview. It’s easy to assess knowledge and hard skills but difficult to assess intrapersonal and interpersonal capabilities. If this is what is needed, better assessment tools will be necessary.
It’s great when educators and the business community come together to talk.
4/6/16 The SEC and Cybersecurity
At the SEC’s Chief Compliance Officer event last week, we heard the SEC advise us to assess our cybersecurity preparedness. This included cybersecurity governance, assessment of risks, protection of networks and information, risks associated with vendors and detection of unauthorized activity.
Within 24 hours of that meeting, we heard about the Panama Papers, a data breach and leak of 11 million documents pertaining to offshore tax havens and secret accounts of wealthy individuals throughout the world. While many dealings were not illegal, it is a major embarrassment to the people named. And, new regulations are sure to be enacted by world-wide taxing authorities.
We should take the SEC’s advice and be continuously vigilant.
3/31/16 The SEC and Data Analytics
At the SEC’s Chief Compliance Officer event today on the compliance function, two words were repeatedly emphasized: Documentation & Disclosure (write down what you plan to do, tell people what you plan to do, then do it). The SEC’s goal is to protect retail investors and investor savings for retirement. In the SEC’s examination of advisors and broker-dealers, the SEC attempts to balance the need to create greater transparency and accountability while being mindful of the benefits of innovation. The SEC also has concerns with assessing market-wide risks, primarily cybersecurity and liquidity controls.
In selecting candidates for SEC examinations, the SEC makes extensive use of data analytics. This is a major element of their risk-based initiatives. Protecting investors requires this type of higher-level analysis. It was reassuring to hear the SEC talk about protecting individual investors.
3/22/16 Business Intelligence and Analytics
Mike Cangemi, President of Cangemi Company LLC, shared with members of The Presidents Forum his career focus on Business Intelligence. He quickly summarized this complex technology in three phases as follows:
Descriptive Analytics – Helps to understand the past,
Predictive Analytics — Helps to understand what might happen,
Prescriptive Analytics – Helps to find the best course of action.
Small business knows it should be analyzing more but available time is not there. As Cangemi pointed out though, a distinct competitive advantage will be gained by increasing proficiency in analytics. The time to make advancements in our analytic knowledge is now.
3/21/16 Bitcoin’s Blockchain
Mike Cangemi, President of Cangemi Company LLC, shared with members of The Presidents Forum some insights into Bitcoin’s ‘blockchain’, the main technological innovation of Bitcoin. Blockchain allows Bitcoin owners to make verifiable transfers through a completely anonymous publicly distributed ledger system. Cangemi, told the members that numerous tech companies are trying to capitalize on this new process and large companies like J.P. Morgan and NASDAQ are doing testing of this type of system to settle transactions with continuous verification. The way we conduct business with each other is constantly evolving and Cangemi advised us to stay alert and open to new possibilities.